Halo Halo are off again in a week or so for a mini tour with the fantastic EXPENSIVE, our first date is on the 1st of November where we will be joined by the awesome Peepholes and the also great Mega Emotion.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Sunday, 8 September 2013
A book cover design for Kurt Vonnegut's Slapstick or Lonesome no more, maybe one day it will look like this.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
The Carton
A few months ago Kamal Rasool From the Awesome Flamingods wrote a article for Food magazine The Carton and i did the Illustrations.
The Article is about a Filipino lady living in Dubai who sells filipino classics out of plastics bags, i won't say anymore then that. You'll have to buy the magazine to find out more!
Theres another great article in the Magazine regarding Filipino Food in Dubai by Beth Hopper which Kamal took the Photos for. They also collaborate on a great food blog I'm not a fiend.
I'm hoping some sort of filipino food revolution arrives here in London soon so i can go and get my self a proper Halo Halo, puto in bulk and some ube ice cream. Fingers crossed!
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
TwinsUK 21st Anniversary Party
So I haven't blogged for awhile! Lazy me, I haven't got an excuse apart from being away for 3 weeks on tour but I've been back for almost three now! anyway a few weeks before i went away I went to the Twins UK 21st Anniversary party and was working there as a "Portrait artist". I had a badge and everything - It was a surreal experience, I felt like I was missing something, a twin!
As you can see from the above picture I was charging £5.00 per portraits
And here are some seriously small business cards I made, I mucked up a bit on the size. They were almost impossible to read but I guess they're quite cute.
Josephine and Jennifer
Susan and Debra
Christine and Janet
I found being a portrait artist a bit intense...well, doing it on the spot anyway. It was so disconcerting having people there watching and judging you as you drew, although on the whole, everyone was lovely and really encouraging. But I tried my best under the pressure. I didn't have time for a break as a lot of ladies wanted their portraits done but some twins very kindly got me some food from the buffet so i could at least try and eat something, I can't remember their names and I forgot to take a picture but if you two read this thank you very much!
So, anyone for a portrait......?
Thursday, 6 June 2013
H is for
Hugo, my friend commissioned this for her friends babies christening, I hope the baby likes it! when its older and not a baby.
hot dog,
Monday, 29 April 2013
Saturday, 27 April 2013
water colour
Thursday, 25 April 2013
I started this just before easter hence the hot cross buns but only finished it yesterday as i was working on some illustrations for The Carton. The dresser is vaguely inspired by one owned by my grandma that now sits in my mums house, I remember having afternoon tea with her and helping to make salmon pate sandwiches. Our favourite treat though were the jelly shaped mice which had a chocolate drop nose and a squirty cream tail.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Island sisters
When i was doing some research for a character i found a nice picture of three girls, i'm not sure when the photo was taken but it could of been 30's,40's or 50's ?! anyway the first picture is just a copy of that photo and the one below is part of a larger story idea i've started to have for these characters.....
water colour,
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Reveille and Halo Halo Tour 2013
Yay! Halo Halo will be touring France with Reveille in late June early July!!! here is a poster i made for the tour, one day i want to get tattoos like this although maybe not all over my arms.
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Rachel Horwood,
water colour
Little Island
Rachel Horwood,
tove jansson,
Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who worked for the Spanish empire, his expedition was the first to sale from the atlantic into the pacific ocean and I have been interested in him because his expedition led him to Cebu Philippines where he eventually died in the Battle of Mactan. Cebu is part of the Visayan Islands, my grandparents both grew up on the nearby island of Bohol and i have family on both Bohol and Cebu. Cebu is a pretty important place for the Philippines because its the birthplace of christianity within the country and while we were there everyone was preparing for Sinulog which is celebrated on the third Sunday of January. This Fiesta is a celebration of that christianization and the feast day of Santo Nino (baby jesus) a venerated statue that is believed to be miraculous, which leads back to Ferdinand Magellan who had the image presented to Queen Juana after herself and Rajah Humabon had been baptised. Shortly after this Magellan was killed in the Battle of Mactan, he had wanted one of the leaders of the Island Datu Lapu-Lapu to convert like Humabon to Christianity but Lapu-Lapu was having none of this and when Magellan led a small attack force onto the island Lapu-Lapu and his army were waiting for them. After this there was not another Spanish expedition to the Philippines for 44 years until Miguel lopez de legazpi arrived in Cebu February 13, 1565. This is when the Santo nino was rediscovered and the colonisation proper began...............
Monday, 4 March 2013
I've been doing some research on tribes of the Philippines as i wanted to do a series of prints, i haven't made any prints yet but i have done a little drawing. I really wanted to go to the Banaue rice terraces when we were in the Philippines but we were kind of in the middle of the country and the Cordillera region where the terraces are situated is way up north, we got to see Mayon Volcano which was pretty awesome but next time i'm gonna go here \/
The people that have cultivated and looked after these terraces for 2000 years are the Ifugao and their culture revolves around the planting and harvesting of the rice. Their clothes are similarly coloured to those of the sami people that i was researching before although they wear a bit more red.
The Rice terraces have grown out of her headress
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Brain grrrl
This is a few years old and i think i want to do more drawings like this again. I quite enjoy doing the twee kids stuff but actually i don't want it to be twee i want to be Mervyn Peake! anyway i have been listening to Stromae again lots, so i want to try and make some dance music and then probably play FF 12 YEs!
New StromaeWOoooopppppah!
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Under the sea
When we were in the Philippines we spent a few days on the beach and I managed to get a good haul of lovely shells and dead coral. I'm going to give them away as presents but in the meantime I have two big jars of them on my desk. So i've turned some of them into fabric prints.
The turtle was an idea i got from a Japanese story that my band Halo Halo have written a song about. Its one of the earliest tales about time travel, we're into things like that. The story is a about a fisherman named Urashima Taro who rescues a turtle and is then taken under the ocean to meet the turtles father. The turtle turns out to be a Princess of the sea called Otohime. She gives him a wooden box as a gift and tells him that it will keep him safe but that he must never open it. After a few days he decides he needs to go back to see his ailing mother but when he returns to land everything has changed and his mother is gone. He asks someone if they recall a fisherman called Urashima Taro but he is told that there was a fisherman of that name but that he had disappeared many years before. In shock he opens the wooden box and a cloud of white smoke bursts out. All of a sudden he is very old, with a bent back and a long white beard. He hears the princess' voice whisper to him, "I told you not to open that box for in it was your old age"!
So Voila! A turtle with a castle on its back. I think I'm going to do more pictures for that story so back to work!

halo halo,
urashima taro,
Friday, 25 January 2013
a belated merry christmas
Its a bit late i know but i thought i may as well post a scan of some of the Christmas cards i made. I really had fun doing funny faced cats maybe this year i'll make them into proper cards!
Today i've just been practising painting and thought i'd do a bit of research for a book idea i had, one of the main characters is going to be a little sami girl so i've been looking at pictures of houses, clothes, people etc etc etc etc.... they have really lovely colourful outfits.
earth house,
funny cats,
sami shoes,
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Happy new year!
Wow a whole year has past and i have still been pretty dreadful and posting i have one excuse for not posting for the last month as i have been in the Philippines visiting my family and doing christmasy things, it was lovely but now im back home to face the snow and the real world and now that i am unemployed and a professional pauper i am determined to make drawing my bread and butter so this blog will now become a regular thing! hurrah!
Anyway here are two drawings i did before we left the first is a portrait of the famous occultist and magician Aleister Crowley and the second is a new tree person but with some added tarot imagery. I have been getting into tarot recently, reading promethea by Alan Moore and watching Alan moore documentaries! Well enjoy ^_^
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